~Let's take a journey together, and let reality mix with the dream realm~
You open your eyes to the sound of rumbling in the distance as you march
You hear the shrill scream of a flute playing behind you,
playing the tune Yankee Doodle.The rifle in your arms continue to rumble from the thunder in the distance behind you,
clattering against you as the beating of the drums push you forward to your destination,
Whilst you synchronize with it.
Humans are a paradoxical race - we constantly contradict and disagree with one another. In music, we celebrate our differences and agree to disagree. Music has been used through loosely- interpreted dance movements and strict rigid dance moves, conveyed through instruments, through the length of the note, the pace, the pitch, and the harmonizing (or lack thereof ) of them all to create a mood to convey a message. Whether through the movements of the dance to the message of the lyrics or mood of the tune that curls along your senses, in music, there are no wrong moves - you simply play and create.
"Music comes from a musician, not an instrument. A language works best, when we have something interesting to say. Many music teachers never find out what their students have to say, we only tell them what they are supposed to say." - Victor Wooten.
I get people left and right asking about "What kind of fundraisers should our club do" or "What kind of socials should our club do"? While it's great to have an eclectic mix of ideas at your fingertips, you need to know that what works for one club in one place or one time, may not work again. Humans work off past experience in a chain of action and reaction. We try something, then wait for the outcome - if we like the outcome, we repeat again. The world moves at 30 kilometers/second, spinning at the same time around 1,000 miles per hour. You really think that if you hit repeat, the same situation is going to keep on happening again and again? Of course not! We're humans, a rapidly developing (or deteriorating) race. You were not the same person you were when you were 2 or 5, and you certainly have changed the tune of your own drums since then. You need to experiment, do the new, find something that is special to you!
Mix it up! Members change all the time - the beat of your club represents what ALL or at least a majority of you have to say. Not just you. Not just your board. Your entire club and the members. So don't just ask your board for ideas, ask for ideas from your members. Don't just reject ideas because you think it's impossible -come up with halfway points or possible alternatives that work similar to their idea. Work with what is possible - you are all a team walking toward the same goals. A club isn't about doing what you or your board specifically want, and even though sometimes you have to make unpopular decisions because you believe it's what's best for the club, but you also need to know that a club isn't made of 1 or 5 people. It's made up of each member that dedicates the time to come to meetings, drive up for different events, arrange socials and fundraisers, etc..
Until next time dreamers-sweet dreams,
Marilyn Nguyen
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